Mural #C6
Chemainus Public Market
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Artist: Kris Friesen with enclosure constructed by Dean Irwin
Constructed & painted in 2020.
In Tune With Nature is a departure from what is commonly called a mural, i.e. art painted directly on a wall or surface.
The themes of this mural, painted on the inner and outer surfaces of a purpose-built box, are nature and music. The exterior of the box features a lush forest scene and some of its interested denizens keeping watch, with the music of the forest wending its way through the surroundings. The musical score is from “What a Wonderful World”, popularized by Louis Armstrong.
When the box is opened and the sides are outspread, the interior of the box is revealed. Viewers see a 1905 Bell upright grand piano, painted and blended into an underwater ocean scene. Earth’s oceans have their own creatures, shown in the mural, and also contain their own music, which is shown moving through the water. The water’s musical score mimics that of a whale’s call.