Mural #46
2.4M X 6.1M (8’ X 20’), Waterwheel Crescent
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Artist: Angela Carlson
Painted in 2021.
At the request of the Chemainus Volunteer Fire Hall, the Chemainus Festival of Murals Society was asked to commission a mural celebrating the 100th anniversary of the fire hall.
The eight-foot by 20-foot mural is a collage of both historical and current scenes and was painted by Angela Carlson, a muralist new to Vancouver Island.
The scenes in the mural feature a circa-1947 fire truck on the left passing the Willow Street fire hall, home to dedicated volunteers for 47 years; a replica of a Robert Henderson photo taken in 1961 when the Chemainus Hospital was in flames; and depictions of the fire hall’s new home since 1995, the Tri-Safety building on Chemainus Road and a modern fire truck.
Only a great effort by the volunteer fire hall members and residents prevented destruction of the hospital. Clean up and repairs were quickly made and normal operation was soon restored.